In honor of National Women’s Month and International Women’s Day (on March 8, 2022), we are partnering with APIdays to celebrate the expertise and talents of people in the Women In APIs community. We are featuring engineers, designers, coders, leaders, and change-makers who are making a difference with how APIs are conceptualized, designed, developed, and managed—whether as part of a strategic or transformational change; as a digital product; or as a vehicle for simplification or digitization.
In 2021, we collaborated with APIdays to explore what being a member of the Women In APIs community has meant to key members, both personally and professionally. As part of that effort, we also shine a light on the work that still needs to be done to achieve a better balance in the world of APIs and in the wider technology industry as a whole. We focused on raising awareness for and sharing resources on how to make tech more inclusive and equitable. We aimed to amplify the voices of women from around the globe who are behind some of the most complex, engaging, and in-demand API programs, as well as their execution strategies and use cases for APIs in different sectors and organizations.
Today, we’re back with another season.
“This year’s season expands on the voices of people from underrepresented groups, to showcase their API expertise and that of their teams,” shares Claire Barrett, Director of APIsFirst and a leader of the Women in APIs program.
During March, our focus is to share these stories, point to the expertise that these powerful leaders offer, and inspire more young women to get involved in APIs. There is no one path to an API career, but there are a lot of resources, mentors, and places out there. We invite you to listen to these stories, share them with your network, and take an active role in bettering the future of the tech landscape. Catch the new episodes of season two below (updated weekly) or head to our Youtube channel for the stories from season one.
To achieve better balance, there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done. Women in tech were almost twice as likely as men in the same industry to leave their jobs, be laid off, or be furloughed during the COVID-19 pandemic according to the Zippia 2022 Technology report. That same report states that even today, only 25% of software engineers are women.
We can and we have to do better. Join us and API Day’s Women in APIs program to celebrate these stories and commit to equitable change. To learn more about the Women in APIs program, visit the APIDays Global website.
By the way, if you are a woman looking for a role in tech, check out our openings here at Stoplight! And if you want to hear more from the women of Stoplight, check us out on LinkedIn.
Happy Women’s Month to all!